That's right a SECOND lawn mower. This one also plugs in, so it's environmentally friendly. It also has adjustable height, which is why we really wanted it. The other lawn mower cuts our grass too short, and makes it difficult for it to thrive.
What's a house without a latter? $5.00
The final object that Joe "had to have" was an old fan. Joe has been restoring several old objects, including his grandpa's old radio. (he's making amazing progress on that!) So, this morning I went down to the basement to take a quick shot of the
Fan $6.00
I promise it's real cute when it's in one piece.
So, I think Joe felt bad for making all of these purchases, because when we were done with the yard sales I went off
I pointed it out at a yard sale because I thought it was adorable. I was TRYING to save us money, but Joe refused and went back and bought it for me as a surprise. I think this little casserole dish is begging for some yummy brownies. I have the most thoughtful husband!
So, I would say Yard Sale Saturday was a great success. Maybe not for our wallets, but oh well. We got some great deals in my opinion. We also got to meet some new neighbors and catch up with some old ones, so all in all we had a great time!