17 August 2009

So Sad, yet still laughing!

Today is my last day of summer. Tomorrow I go back to school for my very last semester and I'm feeling a little mixed up about it. I'm excited to be done with school and a little overwhelmed by the "great beyond". Today I ended up working a while and then catching a "matinee" (still payed $8 b/c the movie wasn't before 12...LAME!) The Time Traveler's Wife. I read the book and really loved it, and watching the movie helped me remember just how sad it is. I really do recommend the book, as usual the book totally beats the movie, but I think they did a good job summing up the book, more or less. The movie left me feeling rather sad, as well as the thought of going BACK to school, but when I do I just remember how today I became that girl who walks out of the bathroom with her skirt tucked into her underwear....and this lightens my mood....I probably gave the poor old couple behind me a good laugh! Uhhh....these sorts of things seem to happen to me quite often, not the exposing myself part, but the part about being SUCH a humiliating nerd. Oh well!

1 comment:

Laura Lea said...

I loved Time Traveler's Wife too, but I haven't seen the movie yet. It's on the list of things I want to do but probably won't get done before school starts. I know how you feel about finishing school - I went straight to grad school so I got to delay the "i'm not a student anymore" feeling for a year...and now it is SO strange to think I'll never be a student again (though teaching will never take me far from school, haha)